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Abdominal wheel ab roller total body exerciser with knee pad

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Only: $13.00
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Product Overview

  • Abdominal Wheel Total Exerciser is an inexpensive way to achieve flat, rock-hard, sexy abs fast and easy! Don't waste your time by lying on your back doing crunches again. Don't spend money on a gym membership when you can get the abs you've always wanted in the comfort of your own home!


  1. Great Cardio
  2. Tight Abs
  3. Firmer Thighs, Hips, and Gluts
  4. Smaller Waistline
  5. Toned Arms and Shoulders
  6. Tighter Chest
  7. Protects Your Back
  8. Bonus Knee Pad
  9. Compact and Portable
  10. Soft Handle with Grip
  11. The Abdominal Wheel will....
  12. Push your abdominal strength to the limit
  13. Develop functional and rock hard abs
  14. Help protect your back

Get results fast without having to do time consuming, ineffective and boring crunches